Why should I become a church member?
There are numerous benefits that church membership provides.
1. It gives you a spiritual family to support and encourage you in your walk with Christ.
2. It places you under the spiritual protection of the leaders through their prayers.
3. It gives you a place to discover and develop your spiritual gifts and talents in ministry.
4. It gives you the accountability you need to grow.
What are the benefits of attending weekly worship?
1. Worship helps you focus on God and prepares you
emotionally and spiritually for the week ahead.
2. Fellowship provides support and encouragement from other Christians
3. Discipleship and other ministries help you fortify your faith by learning the truths
of God’s Word and applying Biblical principles to your life.
4. Evangelism helps you fulfill your God given mission of bringing
your friends and family to Jesus Christ.
What are the responsibilities of members?
1. To protect the unity of my church
…by acting in love toward other members.
…by refusing to gossip
…by following the leaders.
2. To share the responsibility of my church
…by praying for it’s growth.
…by inviting friends and family to attend.
…by warmly welcoming those who visit.
3. To serve the ministry of my church
…by discovering my gifts and talents.
…by being equipped to serve by my pastor.
…by developing a servants heart.
4. To support the testimony of my church
…by attending faithfully.
…by living a Godly life.
…by giving regularly.
How do I become a member?
1. By Baptism: If you profess faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, our church will
receive you as a candidate for baptism.
2. By Transfer of Letter: If you are a Christian who was baptized by immersion
after conversion as a symbol of salvation, we will accept you as a member
upon transfer of your membership. Our office will gladly arrange the
transfer with your former church.
3. By Statement: If it is not possible to get a letter of membership from a
former church, you may join based on your statement that you are a Christian who
was baptized by immersion after conversion as a symbol of salvation.
Please contact the Pastor to discuss joining Lifeline Connect Church.