How long are the services?
Each service lasts approximately 1 hour. The message preached by the pastor is about 25 minutes in length.
What should I wear to the church?
People come dressed in a wide range of styles from casual (sweat pants) to professional attire (suits).
How can I expect to be treated as a visitor?
You will be greeted when you enter our doors, as we are a friendly church. You will be encouraged to fill out a visitor’s card, so that we can have record of your attendance and follow up your visit with a letter.
What is our attitude about the Bible?
The Bible is the final authority in life and practice. It is the foundation to everything we say and do.
What is your music like?
The music is a mix of Traditional and Contemporary.
Is their any care for my children during services?
We have a nursery for infants and classes for children up to 5th grade.
What is Sunday School?
This is one of the educational parts of our Sunday mornings. The purpose is to teach and learn about a variety of topics and how it affects your spiritual journey. All teaching is strongly Bible-based, so that you know God’s Word and truth for life and living.
How are decisions made for the direction of the church?
Lifeline Connect Church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention; it is self-governing church. Our decisions are made through a series of procedures. First, they must be scripturally sound. Second, they must promote and advance the overall mission of the church. Third they must hold the support of the majority of the members. On major decisions, the leadership will bring recommendation to the membership for final vote.
How do I become involved in the church?
First, you must become a member! This implies you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and can give a credible testimony of your salvation experience. Also, you must have been baptized by immersion following your salvation experience. After you have completed ministry training and have passed a background check, we will help you discover a ministry in which to serve and be served. We are so excited you are looking for a church in which to get involved!
Do I have to be a Baptist to attend the services?
No. We invite all visitors, regardless of their religious background, to attend our services