Today many churches are experiencing decline and has forced some to begin trying new and unique ways to increase their membership. Sometimes the approaches are Biblical but often churches are resorting to more worldly means of reaching the public. Jesus gave the Great Commission and commanded us to preach the gospel to every creature and He has used the local church through history to prepare men and women to meet this challenge. Jesus never gave a command to build up membership and never promised special blessings for the churches with the most members. Building our church can be a daunting task but we need not resort to worldly means or violate Biblical principles. The answer to a successful church lies with us, the members. Here are several Biblical principles that will help us grow our church from the inside out, the Biblical way.
The greatest tool is us, the congregation. We are blood-bought souls and should have a spirit given desire to see others come to Christ. We should strive to see the kingdom of God expand here on earth in the hearts of men and women. When we cultivates this desire we increase the possibility of growing our congregation. We must learn to make the Great Commission the first order of business in our church, but not measure our success based on the numbers who come through the door on Sunday mornings. It is more important to measure the resources spent in fulfilling the commands of Jesus. It is important that we learn to give a solid Gospel presentation to friends, family and co-workers, so that we can fulfill the Great Commission and in turn this will help in fulfilling our membership goals.
Nothing stunts the growth of a church like the stunted growth of its members. Teach the word, Christians grow, and so does the church. Lifeline Connect teachers are a great resource. There are innumerable blessings found when a person with the gift of teaching can bestow their knowledge on hungry minds. The world is begging for people to stand and teach the Word. They are hungry for answers. We are able to provide those answers; this ability gives us another chance of growing. There is always a need and opportunity to teach within the church.
Jesus’ greatest ability was the ability to meet people where they were. He ate with the downtrodden, touched lepers, healed the sick, and drank water with the lost. He went where they were because they hesitated to come to him. When we learn this principle and lend a hand to the helpless we will not only gain the admiration of the one in need but also the lost of the world. It is of great importance we reach out to the lost and meet them where they are, not try and compel them to be something they are not. This was the way of the Jesus and it should continue to be the way of Lifeline Connect church so that we may win souls.
Our preaching is the meat of our ministries. Everything culminates with the preaching and expounding of God’s word. It is also the most powerful tool we have in not only winning souls but in gaining and growing membership. Even though fancy words and great showmanship may bring in the crowds, sustained growth is found in the simple teaching, preaching, and expounding of God’s word. Jesus spoke plainly but his words inspired those who heard them and have been inspiring ever since. If we are to be successful each of us must stand and proclaim the words of life without pomp and circumstance. Doing so will get the attention of the world.
As a church lets pray for courage to proclaim the Gospel. It is our command from Jesus to each one of us.